Friday, December 4, 2020

Week 15 Blog Post: Online Presence

    Growing up, I didn't think about my online presence much. I got my first social media account at about 14 years old and I was just thrilled to finally be on social media. On Instagram, I made my account private because I didn't want any strangers following me or stalking my page. Making my accounts private was about the only time I ever thought about my online presence. Ever since I've had social media, I have always made sure to keep a clean profile because I have always heard that people will look on your social media profiles when applying for jobs. Over the years, I have gotten more social media accounts. I now have Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok. I deleted the Twitter app so I do not get on my account much, and I also do not post anything on TikTok. A few years ago, I decided to make my Instagram profile public so anyone can scroll through it and follow me. I made that decision because I didn't want to go through and accept follow requests anymore. Now, if someone follows me that looks like they may have bad intentions, I just block them. I also sometimes put locations on my posts. I do not post much, but when I do, I occasionally put my location on them. After reading some articles about our online presence I may stop putting my location on my posts and make my account private. I want to make sure that I have a very safe and professional online presence so when I go to apply for jobs after college, they do not find any 'dirt' on me. 
    I have talked to my friends before about social media and how it makes them feel. Most of their responses are, "it is not good for my self-esteem", or "it makes me feel like I'm missing out". Social media can be a big source of depression and anxiety for some people. When you are scrolling through social media, you can see other people's seemingly "perfect" bodies and some friends having the time of their lives without you. Seeing these things on a daily basis can make a person feel really lonely and like they do not belong in the world. I think it is important that we do not put our importance in social media, and if it is causing you to feel depressed, then it might be a good idea to delete it for a while. 
    Other than social media, I do make account on some clothing websites and other websites as well. Any website that I may purchase things from a lot, I make an account. I give them my name, email, address, phone number (if they ask for it), and also my card information when I go to check out. Before learning about my online presence, I have not thought twice about creating accounts and giving out my information. The websites always make me give it to them if I want to buy something so I never have asked why. I do not even read their terms and conditions of agreement before I make an account. The website company could say anything in those terms and conditions of agreements about using the information I give them. Before creating accounts, I will make sure they are a safe and reliable company and will start reading the section in the terms and conditions of agreement about sharing my information. 


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