Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Presentations: Invention of the Internet

    In one presentation, I learned about the World Wide Web and how that got started. Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web in 1990. He created some fundamentals for the World Wide Web while working for a European Company called CERN which is for Nuclear Research. He created HTML, URI, HTTP. It initially became open to just people working for CERN. After it became really popular, it opened to more people. The WWW connects people from all over and provides people with endless information. Instead of going to the library to look at the encyclopedia to gather information, you can go on the internet and look up something within seconds. Because of the internet, you can email and send instant messages to people to stay connected with them. You can also do online banking and shopping on the WWW.
    The invention of the World Wide Web has made life so much easier for Americans. But, there are also some negatives to it. There is some illegal and inappropriate content on the internet. That causes people to go to jail or become addicted to certain things. You can also illegally download music and movies. Downloading and viewing these can cause viruses to invade your computer. These viruses can cause your computer to stop working so you have to go buy a new one. Criminals can get your information through these viruses since online banking is linked to the internet. While there are many positives to the WWW, there are also some negatives that you have to keep in mind.  

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